Build a job board in 1 hour of no-code

Need to manage your recruitments?

You have open positions and are actively recruiting. To manage open positions but also applications and opinions from the various managers concerned, you are thinking about making an application that will centralize all this information and avoid failures.

Because in recruitment, especially for sought-after profiles, nothing is worse than not responding.

And when you have dozens of applications, it’s difficult to navigate…

The solution ?

Create an applicant management application with Budibase

Time needed ?

From 1 hour for the simple application, like the one we created for our needs, to a few days for an application with workflows and linked to the company’s information system.

Simply start from the “Applicant Tracking” template provided by Budibase, or from the template modified by Nokoudres (localization in French, with additional elements)

and adapt it to your needs (automation, validation process, additional fields, updating logos, etc.), or connect it to your information system.

Pour en savoir plus sur Budibase

Cost ?

Almost zero!

Data security?

Host your application on Budibase SaaS or host it on your servers, or on any cloud.

Result ?

We use this system ourselves to manage our careers space and our applications.

Open jobs and link to on line applicant form
Budibase – Visual Design & no-code for open jobs list
Open jobs list in the application. Here for Nokodeurs

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